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Floor Cleaning

To ensure that laminate, parquet, tiles and the like can be cleaned again in no time, sophisticated cleaning utensils are available from Leifheit to hygienically clean the floor in no time. From dry to damp cleaning to parquet care, the right thing is available in the online shop for every need.

No more hours of scrubbing to get dirt out of every joint! If you buy the wiping systems from the Leifheit range, you can clean the kitchen floor, the floor in the living room or the floor hallway in no time - and with little effort. This is made possible by sophisticated mechanisms and high-quality materials. Innovation is a top priority for Leifheit: For example, wipe presses or rotation mechanisms make it easier to wash out and wring out the wiper covers and make basic cleaning child's play.

Refine your search

If you can't find what you are looking for then try to simplify your search. Model numbers are key to finding the right part so just try typing in your MODEL NUMBER. Alternatively use a phrase of up to 4 words such as 'Miele FJM Vacuum Bags'

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